Webster Electric

Electrical contracting
Invested: Jun 2019
Status: Exited

About the Company

Assurance Mezzanine Fund (“Assurance”) is pleased to announce its latest investment in Collinsville, MS-based Webster Electric Co., Inc., and Webco Leasing & Supply, LLC (“Webster”). Webster is an electrical contracting company headquartered in Collinsville, Mississippi. The company installs and maintains industrial, electrical and communications systems for highways, airports, government buildings, bridge upgrades, infrastructure upgrades, and maintenance related work. Much of this work involves Intelligent Transportation System (“ITS”) installations and upgrades, such as Automated Weather Observing Systems (“AWOS”), Automated Surface Observing Systems (“ASOS”), speed monitoring systems, fiber-optics upgrades, weigh-in-motion stations, communications towers, centrally controlled hurricane evacuation routes, and high performance “smart” communications capabilities with government transportation centers. The Company also installs state of the art security/monitoring systems for government-related authorities.

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